

Aug 18, 2023

NJ: ACCC college baseball coach resigns, earpieces found in helmets

Atlantic Cape Community College baseball coach Rodney Velardi resigned after 13 years leading the program on May 4, almost two weeks after the Buccaneers were found to have illegal communication devices in two of their players’ batting helmets during an 11-4 loss to Rowan College Gloucester County on April 22.

"After the situation with the game, he was suspended pending the outcome of the NJCAA Region 19 review, and at that time, we had asked for him to resign," Atlantic Cape Chief Marketing Officer Laura Batchelor said.

Velardi couldn't be reached for comment.

Suspicions first arose for Rowan College during the first game of the three-game series on April 21.

Freshman pitcher Ethan Dodd approached his coaches after the game wondering if he had been tipping pitches during an 11-6 victory.

"He had a feeling they were getting really good swings on pitches that he thought were good pitches," Roadrunners head coach Rob Valli said.

However, "We kind of dismissed it," Valli added. "We didn't think there was anything there. In hindsight? His senses were OK."

In the first game of the April 22 doubleheader, Valli felt Atlantic Cape was making some aggressive swings on tough pitches and was getting excellent reads on the basepaths too.

He never would’ve thought about a communication device though until his first baseman, Felix Diaz, told him he could hear a voice coming out of a player's helmet following the opening inning.

"I didn't believe it," Valli said. "I just though, nah. I didn't believe it. I didn't not believe him, but for that sophisticated of cheating, I just didn't think they would do it. I didn't think they would do it. For me, I wasn't going to go right up there in the first inning. We had to confirm that's what it was. So, second time up, those same guys got on, and he was confirming with me the whole time. Once those guys got on, he's saying I hear it. I hear it."

That's when Valli went to the umpire and asked him to check two Atlantic Cape helmets. There was one out in the bottom of the third inning.

"(He was) as surprised as I was," Valli said of the umpire. "The reaction was I went out and said they have headsets in their helmets, and he seemed surprised. … He's like how do you know? I explained our first baseman has been hearing this now and we just confirmed it the second time these guys got on base. In 30 years, I’ve never asked an umpire to check a helmet, but I’m out here now, and I’m telling you now you’re going to find ear pieces in these helmets, and he goes OK, let's check."

The umpire did, finding earpieces in the helmets of both the runner on second base, and the one on first.

Atlantic Cape-RCGC Baseball:Watch the baseball game in question. Valli questions helmets 49:45 into the video.

Rule 5-2-f. Notes 1, 2, 3 and 4 read:

"Non-uniformed team personnel may sit in the stands for the purpose of charting pitches, using radar guns, or videotaping a contest. Games and individuals shall not be videotaped from the team's dugout. Any information shall not be transmitted to the playing field or to team personnel. A team may film or videotape its own game but not games involving other teams. The use of manned video cameras is restricted to the area behind home plate – defined as that area from the outfield cutout behind first base to the outfield cutout behind third base. Filming from beyond this area toward the outfield or any point beyond the outfield fence or wall is not permitted – with the exception of television cameras for the broadcast of a game, including internet broadcasts and video boards. Monitors for viewing live or taped video during a game are prohibited from the dugout or bench area, and all adjacent areas (i.e., athletic training rooms, locker rooms, etc.)."

Note 1: Video and communication equipment used to transmit information between coaches, coaches and players, scouts or other team personnel shall not be allowed for intercollegiate competition. Video or electronic data used for scouting, training or teaching purposes may be recorded from any unmanned camera location. No video or electronic data may be transmitted from manned or unmanned sources for scouting, training or coaching purposes during the contest. An exclusively one-way electronic communication device from the dugout to the field for the purpose of relaying the pitch or play call is permitted. The use of an in-ear communication device shall be limited to the defensive position of the catcher.

Note 2: The use of one type of device (telephones, cellular phones, walkie-talkies, etc.) is permitted for two-way communication between a team's dugout or bench and bullpen.

Note 3: Televisions and any live broadcast (e.g., Internet streaming) shall be turned off in the dugout and clubhouse during a game.

Atlantic Cape athletic director Jamal Edwards conducted an investigation into the incident with Natalie Devonish, vice president of student services, and could not confirm that the devices were in use during the game, Batchelor said.

"Coach Velardi at the time said that those (devices) were just used for practice," she explained. "We found out after the fact that those (devices) had even been purchased. The college was not aware of that. We were not aware they were being used, electronic devices. We could not say whether there was actual malfeasance at the field (that day)."

Yes, as listed above in the NCAA rule. However, it is limited to the catcher position.

Rowan College uses the same electronics, Valli said. Pitching coach Greg Chew communicates with both his starting his catcher and his bullpen backstop.

The contest was stopped and Valli took the Roadrunners off the field.

The umpire called his supervisor and the earpieces were removed from the helmets. No players or coaches were ejected.

Before Valli brought his team back to the field though, he requested to speak to a supervisor, and said the Roadrunners wouldn't resume play until the center-field camera, operated by BFA Sports Media, was removed.

"They had a center-field camera, which I wasn't watching the stream, but the center-field camera, they can see in, they can see the catcher, they can see the signs," Valli said. "Velardi, in his dugout, had an iPad in his hands, so my assumption, and I don't know if it's true or not, my assumption was he was using the iPad to watch the livestream, the center-field camera, and looking into the catcher's signs. Whether he did or not, who could prove or say, but he had an iPad in the dugout and you’re not allowed to do that."

Atlantic Cape agreed to remove the center-field camera and play was resumed. Rowan College won that contest, and Game 2 of the doubleheader, 17-8.

"I was informed that coach Valli had made an accusation over an alleged use of an illegal communication device on the field by Atlantic Cape and was demanding the center-field camera be removed over his concern that our live stream was being utilized by Atlantic Cape to give them an unfair advantage in the contest," BFA managing partner Doug Stasuk said. "… In an effort to not stand in the way of completing the student-athletic competition, we obliged, removed the camera, and in fact stopped the entire production so that the contest could continue at the request of coach Valli."


"It is not possible to watch the livestream during the game," Stasuk said. "Traditionally, our viewers experience an approximate 45-second delay of any live feed. We never supply a live feed to anyone but our own broadcasting team for replay. We did not provide any live feed to any entities or parties of any broadcast. It is a closed-circuit feed, meaning it's exclusive to our broadcast team, primarily for the purpose of graphics and replay."

BFA is contracted by Atlantic Cape to broadcast most of their home sporting events, however, a large portion of its crew that weekend was at Mainland Regional High School for the Coaches vs. Cancer Classic, for which they donated their time.

"In our coverage of Atlantic-Cape baseball for the past two seasons, we had never been made aware of any players utilizing in-game communication devices," Stasuk said.

BFA has no plans to change its coverage of Atlantic Cape or South Jersey sports.

"To be clear, this situation unfolded in front of our live audience while broadcasting Atlantic Cape baseball and in no way was BFA or any of our employees or crew involved," Stasuk said. "We look forward to continuing to serve the South Jersey and now national baseball fan base as we have for the past four years and many more to come."

An umpires report was filed to Region 19 and Atlantic Cape conducted its own investigation

"We found that coach Velardi was in direct violation of the (NJCAA Region 19 rules)," Batchelor said. "Whether or not that was done intentionally, we couldn't tell, but he was in violation.".

Troy Tucker, Region 19 executive director and athletic director at Northampton Community College, said Region 19 would have no comment on the manner.

Velardi was given a two-game suspension by Atlantic Cape and another two-game suspension by Region 19 for the finding of the communication devices. No players were penalized.

The Region 19 Tournament starts on Saturday. Atlantic Cape qualified for the tournament and is the No. 5 seed. It will take on Brookdale. Jeff Ball is currently the interim coach for the Buccaneers and Edwards is assisting.

"The NJCAA Region 19 ethics committee met (May 9) to further determine if there was any additional outstanding issues with the college," Batchelor said. "We told them at the time coach Velardi was no longer with the program and they actually gave praise to our athletic director for being responsive with the investigation."

Batchelor added later, "Our primary concern is to the student athletes on the team. Jamal and the rest of the athletics team, coaches, are trying to make sure they understand the gravity of the situation, but that doesn't turn them off to the game. These are, at the end of the day, still young adults that look up to their coaches and follow everything they say as gospel. We want to make sure they understand the rules of the game as it's played and as pumped up as they can be for the playoff games they have coming up.

"And of course, as an institution, we had no idea. I apologize on behalf of the college to Rowan College Gloucester County and anyone else that might’ve been affected."

Josh Friedman has produced award-winning South Jersey sports coverage for the Courier Post, The Daily Journal and the Burlington County Times for more than a decade. If you have or know of an interesting story to tell, reach out on Twitter at @JFriedman57 or via email at [email protected]. You can also contact him at 856-486-2431. Help support local journalism with a subscription.

Atlantic Cape-RCGC Baseball: Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: